Navigating the First 48 Hours After Birth

As you embark on this incredible journey of motherhood, it's natural to have questions and uncertainties about what to expect in the first 48 hours after giving birth. We’ve partnered with Monique from The Middee Society to help you navigate an important period of time and something that maybe isn’t talked about as much as it should be!

 What can women expect immediately post birth? 

  • Fundul rub:

After delivery, your midwife may gently massage your abdomen to help your uterus contract and prevent excessive bleeding. This can feel uncomfortable but is crucial for your postpartum recovery.

  • Inspection of tears:

Your midwife will carefully examine any tears or lacerations that occurred during childbirth. Depending on their severity, suturing may be required to promote healing and prevent infection.

  • Breastfeed:

One of the most beautiful and important moments after birth is initiating breastfeeding. Your baby's first latch is not only a bonding experience but also provides essential nutrients and antibodies for their health and development.

  • Injections:

If you've consented to it, your baby may receive injections of Vitamin K and Hepatitis B to protect them from potential health risks. Your midwife will discuss these options with you beforehand.

  • Baby's weight

It's common for everyone to inquire about your baby's weight shortly after birth. This helps healthcare providers monitor your baby's growth and development in the early stages.

  • Dressing your baby

Keeping your newborn warm and cozy is essential. Your midwife will assist you in dressing your baby in comfortable clothing suitable for their delicate skin.

  • Shower 

After the intensity of childbirth, a refreshing shower can be incredibly rejuvenating. It's a small moment of self-care amidst the excitement of welcoming your little one into the world.


Postnatal ward: 

Once you've given birth when do you move to the postnatal ward?

  • Usually 2-3 hours after giving birth


What are some of the main change's women might experience post-birth? 

  • Bleeding

Postpartum bleeding, known as lochia, is normal and can last for several weeks. Your midwife will provide guidance on managing this discharge and what to expect in terms of flow and colour.

  • Swelling 

Your body may experience some swelling, especially in the perineal area. This is a natural response to childbirth and should gradually subside as your body adjusts.

  • Pain 

It's common to experience discomfort, particularly in the abdominal and pelvic regions, as your body recovers from childbirth. Your midwife can recommend safe pain relief options to help alleviate any discomfort.

  • Breast changes 

Your breasts will undergo significant changes as they prepare for breastfeeding. From engorgement to nipple tenderness, these changes are all part of the breastfeeding journey.


What does newborn feeding look like in those first 24 to 48 hours? How often and how long should you feed for?

  • Skin-to-Skin Contact

In the first 24 hours, prioritise as much skin-to-skin contact with your baby as possible. This helps regulate their body temperature, promotes bonding, and encourages breastfeeding. After the first breastfeed, your baby usually becomes very tired where they fall into a deep sleep.

  • Feeding Frequency:

Newborns have small stomachs and need to feed frequently. Aim for 8-12 feedings in a 24-hour period, feeding on demand rather than adhering to strict schedules.

  • Feeding Duration

During breastfeeding sessions, feed your baby for roughly 15 minutes on each side. This ensures they receive the essential nutrients and helps stimulate milk production.

  • Cluster Feeding:

Around the 48-hour mark, your baby may start cluster feeding, where they feed more frequently for shorter periods. This is a normal behaviour as they establish their feeding patterns and stimulate milk production.


The first 48 hours after birth are filled with precious moments, adjustments, and plenty of love. Remember to be gentle with yourself, ask for support when needed, and cherish every moment with your newborn. Your midwife and healthcare team are here to support you every step of the way as you embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood. Welcome to the amazing world of parenthood!

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